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Why Cocaine Addiction Is A Serious Problem?

Cocaine is an illegal drug which is classified as a stimulant. It is usually distributed on the streets in a white powder form, and users snort or inject the drug (mixed with water) into their veins. It can also come in a 'rock' formation which can be smoked with a pipe, often called a 'crack pipe.' The powder version of cocaine is the most pure and most expensive, while the rock version is much less expensive and often mixed with other chemicals making it extremely dangerous- much like street meth.
Cocaine works by increasing the levels of dopamine or 'pleasure' within the brain. The problem is that cocaine will prevent the addict's natural dopamine from entering the brain, and an addict will build up tolerance to the drug and use it more and more frequently to achieve the 'high' or pleasure. A cocaine addict can get very frustrated because they cannot achieve the 'high' they want, and they will continue to use more amounts of cocaine to try and get their sense of pleasure back.
Some signs of cocaine addiction are as follows:
-frequent nosebleeds
-the loss of a person's sense of smell
-irritability or 'jumpiness'
-major mood swings
-monetary problems (constantly needing cash)
-alertness and wakefulness for days
-sores in the mouth (mostly from smoking cocaine rocks or 'crack' cocaine)
Some of the problems and complications with cocaine addiction are as follows:
-heart attacks, serious heart issues
-HIV or Hepatitis C through needle sharing/dirty needles
-brain damage
-lung issues
-high blood pressure
-depression, anxiety
Cocaine addiction is the second most common form of drug addiction in the United States. Cocaine overdoses and complications accounted for 10% of all emergency room visits in the United States in 2015. In 2010, the hospitals in the United States treated over 35,000 patients for heart problems including heart attacks caused by cocaine abuse. Cocaine addicts should be monitored by a physician while they detoxify from the drug, and should enter a rehabilitation center to get proper pharmaceutical and psychological counseling to wean off of the drug.